pierre niémans & camille delaunay and the crimson rivers

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the books & the TV series & more

Tales of Murder

It all started with a movie, based on a novel: The Crimson Rivers is a long story about secretive plans in a university in the French province to create … special people – let’s call it this way. However, there are unpredictable going-ons leading to corpses … Nièmans investigates and confronts secrets, more murders, more secrets – all in a cold unfriendly climate.

Of course there was a follow-up … and finally there is this Tv series when Nièmans and his assistent Camille become the main team of l’Office central contre les crimes de sang (OCCS), a fictive special unit, in Paris. However, there are no wild chases along Paris boulevards and gloomy alleyways – most of the crimes happen somewhere in the French province.

Niémans approaches his retirement, nevertheless he is ruthless to unravel any secrets in his cases. He likes to approach the mysterious murder cases in his very own way which isn’t always like the crime investigation textbook sums up. If necessary he forcefully clears his way to the solution.

Camille started her police career with Niémans as her boss and mentor. So … somehow she is Niémans with some womanly intuition. However, she is as forceful when following a lead under pressure – sometimes the pressure to save a life, the life of a victim depending on the mercy of the evildoer.

The cases are always complex and full of mysteries. The Catholic church may be present by an abbey somewhere in the middle of nowhere where some lost monks are active busy with their very own agenda. Also there are cults inventing new rituals or reviving century old precesses. There are wealthy family clans defining their own rules of life, pleasure and survival. Corpses are exhumed to learn who’s buried or the cause of death. Sometimes viruses spread especially created or recreated for revenge. Some long forgotten or well buried secrets may be in danger of being revealed …

… at the end there is a murder or even more. Niémans and Camille start their investigation. Often they have to find their routes in gloomy surroundings like old mansions, semi-derelict farm houses, old abbeys and university housings where anybody and anything may be hidden – not to forget cemeteries. It’s always a scary undertaking to look for the truth.

… otherwise it’s a suspense at its best.

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a faint cold fear thrills through my veins ... william shakespeare